Special Interest Group

Interest Group

US Chamber of Commerce 

We are the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a political interest group dedicated to furthering the interests of businesses across the United States. Founded in 1912, we are the world’s biggest pro-business organization. We have a strong legacy built on trust and a consistent, phenomenal track record of success. Advocating for policies that help create jobs and support our economy, our primary goal is to help businesses grow and thrive. With your support, we will be able to further our mission, aiding small and big businesses alike with the resources to flourish. Donate to our campaign to help us support businesses throughout our country and continue the fight for pro-commerce policies! Remember: Power in Unity, Strength in Community!

For more information/To contact us:

Email : thhschamberofcommerce@gmail.com

Instagram/Tiktok : @thhscoc

American Family Association 

We are the American Family Association (AFA)! Founded in 1977, we are a non-profit organization with hundreds of thousands of supporters. Our work focuses on supporting anti-LGBTQ, pro-family, pro-Christianity, and anti-abortion policies while aiming to maintain religious freedom. Our goal is to uphold a biblical worldview revolving around religious liberty, morality, and the importance of marriage and family. We hope to help our society return to its traditionalist roots in our fight for the American family as we raise awareness about our movement to change American culture and promote widespread support for the Church. Our efforts have reached people nationwide as we have been featured in many major publications such as the New York, USA Today, Christianity Today and the Washington Post. Change will happen when society embraces the gospel of Jesus Christ. Remember the American Family for a better reality! Donate to our campaign to help spread the word and protect traditional family values!

The Tea Party

Imagine a debt-free future where Americans have their own personal freedoms and rights to pursue their dreams without restraints. Imagine being able to actually live the AMERICAN DREAM. We are the Tea Party Patriots, and WE CAN MAKE THE AMERICAN DREAM A REALITY! Established in 2009 by our founder Jenny Beth Martin, we strive to expand the personal and economic freedoms of all American citizens. This means less government control, more free markets, and better individual liberties. We stand for economic freedom where there will be lower tax rates and reduced government spending. Our government spending is out of control as spending has led to over $35 trillion dollars in national debt. We need to take action and reduce government spending so that future generations aren’t stuck with our bills and are prevented from pursuing the American Dream. Our goal is to help elect conservative politicians across the country to help us return to normalcy and restore the American Dream. Support us to help make a better future for future generations! Let’s Sip Tea to the American Dream! Follow us on Instagram (@thhsteapartypatriots2024) to keep up on our most recent policies and to help us fight for conservative ideals

For more Information/ To contact us:

Federation for American Immigration Reform

We, Raghav, Victoria, Abigail, Maria, Kristi and Nauman, are representing the interest group The Federation of American Immigration Reform. Our mission is to reduce illegal immigration and prioritize us Americans! As a non-partisan, public interest organization with a support base comprising nearly 50 private foundations and over 3 million diverse members and supporters, FAIR is free of party loyalties and special interest connections. We believe immigration, within proper limits, can be positive. Adhering to the rule of law is central to successful assimilation and citizenship. Make sure to follow us on instagram @fair_thhs and donate to our campaign to help us guarantee safety and security at our borders and across our country!!! 

email address: thhsfairandfarewell@gmail.com

instagram: fair_thhs

National Immigration Forum

The National Immigration Forum is an organization dedicated to supporting federal immigration policies, as well as making sure that immigrants can assimilate into the country and help support other immigrants as well as American citizens. The Immigration Forum has taken stances on advocating for humane border policies that protect the country while also protecting the rights of American citizens; these policies include investments in technology to prevent the flow of illicit substances into the country, as well as creating a specialized group of officers to supervise claims and admissions at the border. 

National Riffle Association

We are the National Rifle Association (NRA), a vibrant organization dedicated to protecting Second Amendment rights for Americans across our nation. Since 1871, we have championed responsible gun ownership, providing more than 20,000 training courses annually to educate hundreds of thousands on safe firearm practices.

Our mission is to empower individuals through advocacy and education while engaging with lawmakers to protect our freedoms. We mobilize grassroots efforts that unite millions in defense of our rights. Together, we strive to create a culture of responsibility and respect, ensuring that freedom and safety thrive for all Americans. We are committed to electing conservative politicians throughout our country who will fight for our rights. To protect 2A, vote red on Election Day! 

Thank you all for your support. Stay locked and loaded for liberty!

Follow our Instagram @officialthhsnra and TikTok @thhsnra

For any questions reach out to thhsnra@gmail.com

Every Town for Gun Safety

We are Everytown for Gun Safety (Everytown), an interest group that supports gun control and policies that implement more regulations on the purchase of firearms. Our interest group is a grassroots movement consisting of people from all walks of life with members ranging from everyday citizens to mayors of major cities, whichallows us to work on all levels of the government. Everytown for Gun Safety was founded when Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America came together with the common goal of making the United States safer through the eradication of gun violence. We are taking steps towards our goal through actions like providing legal support for gun violence victims and conducting research studies that measure gun violence around the country. 

Our campaign’s primary goals  are to raise awareness abouton gun violence and to elect politicians across the country who will fight to enact common sense gun reform. We are committed to doing whatever we can to address this issue. We want to emphasize that we are a non-partisan interest group that will work on both sides of the aisle to protect the lives of Americans. In the 2024 election, we endorse gun sense candidates Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Remember, if you care for the safety of your children, vote pro-gun control on November 4th. NOT ONE MORE!

For more information/To contact us:

Instagram: @thhseverytownthhs 

Email: thhseverytown1@gmail.com


We are moveon.org! We are a liberal organization that focuses on various issues, ranging from reproductive rights to housing. We endorse Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris. 

We believe women have the right to choose what they do with their bodies. They should have easy access to reproductive information and care. Drug prices need to be lowered so everyone can get the medication they need.

Natural disasters due to climate change are destroying homes and ruining lives. Pollution is increasing and sea levels are rising. Action needs to be taken now to prevent it from getting any worse. Any progress made towards a greener future will come to a halt under Trump’s radical Project 2025. 

Our candidates will ensure that everyone has affordable housing. The government will acquire unoccupied buildings and repurpose them as homes. That way, less money will be spent on construction, and pollution caused by this construction will be kept to a minimum. 

America is built off the backs of immigrants. So, our candidates will offer undocumented immigrants more direct pathways to citizenship, with government aid every step of the way. In the meantime, they will be granted a temporary citizen-like status that will allow them to live, work, and pay taxes.

If you want this to be your future, vote blue this election season!

Black Lives Matter

We are the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. We are a Black-centered political-movement-building project. We were founded by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. What once started as a hashtag #BlackLivesMatter, soon became a movement to protect black lives and to shed light on the oppression we continue to face.  We believe in empowering our black men and women. We aim to solve systemic issues to better the safety of black civilians.  In 2023, the Police killed at least 1,247 people. Black people were 27% of those killed by the police despite making up only 13% of the population. BLM believes in the protection of black lives and the exposure of black success. By implementing policy reforms, fostering community engagement, and nurturing cultural identity, we can transform the past, tackle present issues, and create a promising future for the Black community. All lives can't matter until BLM.

Black Lives Matter Website

Mapping of Police Violence 

Reproductive Freedom for All

We aim to pass policies for reproductive freedom and hold anti-abortion extremists accountable. We represent 8 in 10 Americans that believe abortion should be easily accessible. Abortion access should be a reality for everybody. We not only fight for abortion rights, we fight for the right to make your own personal decisions regarding reproductive health such as access to birth control, parental leave policies, and pregnancy protections. We provide a voice to those who are silenced by the unjust laws regarding health. Through funding and education we will provide any support you need. We will continue to rally and protest until our demands are met. We care and prioritize your feelings and hope to one day create a world where there is freedom for all!

Human Rights Campaign

We are the Human Rights Campaign(HRC), a non profit organization! We are the largest civil rights organization for LGBTQ+ citizens. Founded in 1980, we strive to attempt to create equality for LGBTQ+, POC, HIV+, women and the disability community! People are still suffering violence and discrimination we are making an impact by getting pro-equality voters/supporters to elect pro-equality leaders and to demand equality based policies. We want people to have an understanding of the LGBTQ+ community and for institutions to advance policies that advance LGBTQ+ people. We support/endorse Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz. Companies and corporate executives have hurt the American people for far too long. Let’s make sure that we move forward instead of turning back the clock!



The main goal of the AFL-CIO is to support working class people. We represent 12.5 million workers in 60 national unions. We support increased pay for these workers and pay equity for all. We firmly believe that the diversity of the working class is its strength, and staunchly oppose all oppression against minorities. We support paid family leave for all workers. We work together with other international unions to advance the interest of the working class. We strongly support immigration reform as we believe that immigrants are working people and are entitled to the protections afforded to all workers.  We are in support of revitalizing the national infrastructure to boost the economy. We maintain the right to strike and engage in collective bargaining in order to secure better working conditions for everyday people.