Federal Election Commission

Fundraiser Rules:

1. You must fill out this application and get permission to host a fundraiser. You may only have a fundraiser after receiving email confirmation from the FEC. Please use a nycstudents.net email address when filling out this application.

2. Campaigns, interest groups, and super PACs can apply for fundraisers using this Google Form, which is accessible on the Fundraising section of the 2024 Election Simulation website.

3. Fundraiser applications must be submitted through this Google Form by Thursday @10:30 AM the week prior to your fundraiser. For example, if someone would like to host a fundraiser on Thursday, October 12th, their group would have to submit this application by Thursday, October 5th @ 10:30 AM.

4. Fundraisers will be approved on a first come, first serve basis.

5. Each fundraiser will last only one band. You can NOT stay after your assigned band ends. You will be fined if you are found fundraising after the band you are assigned. 

6. No group can have a second fundraiser until every organization (that would like to host one) has had a first fundraiser.


7. Fundraisers can ONLY be held in the lobby or in the entrance of the cafeteria.

8. Groups are responsible for providing their own fundraiser supplies (i.e.: silverware and paper goods). Groups are responsible for cleaning up after their fundraiser. You will be fined if the lobby/cafeteria entrance is not cleaned after your fundraiser. 

9. Please be respectful. Clean up and leave your area in a timely manner. The cleanup process should begin when there are 5 minutes left in the band (or when you hear the five minute bell). Your fundraiser is officially OVER once the band ends.

10. Please cooperate with school faculty in the lobby and in the lunch room. Make sure to thank them (and if you're feeling generous, offer them a treat from your fundraiser).

Fines and Violations 

Fines given prior to the release of these rules will be penalized with half weight. For example, if you posted a video on social media but used a song with explicit content, you will be fined 25 Simbucks rather than the original 50. 

Missing Sheet Information 

Negative Balance 

Missing Entire Record: 

Violating Fundraising Rules: 

Vandalism, Littering, Excessive Noise, etc. 

Explicit Content: 

Expired Poster/Flyer or Lack of Teacher Signature and/or Date: 

Campaigning outside of campaign window including, public social media accounts, hanging flyers, and introducing oneself to constituents prior to the kickoff rally or campaigning on social media without a disclaimer post: 

Keep in mind that all school wide rules and regulations still apply to the Election Simulation. If a group is found to violate any of these rules, you will be fined an amount deemed appropriate by the ECC. 

Any other violations should be brought to the attention of the Election Commission via email. The Election Commission Chairpersons will then determine the fine. All fines are subject to approval by the teacher of the Election Commission Class, Ms. Brand and Mr. Morrison, and the Election Simulation Coordinator. 

Campaigns and groups are allowed to appeal any received fines. An appeal form must be filled out and evidence from both sides must be submitted and will be reviewed by the Election Commission Court (ECC). The campaign/group who appealed a fine will be notified of the verdict 1-3 business days after the appeal form is submitted. If a group does not appear on their given court day without alerting the ECC, they must pay the full fine and an additional penalty of 10 Simbucks. 

For questions, concerns, or clarification, please contact the Election Commission via Email thhsfec2024@gmail.com